Antonio Pronostico is an Italian artist who lives and works in Rome. He studied visual communication in Florence. His colored pencils technique makes his drawings highly recognizable among contemporary illustrations and brings to life metaphysical art.

He works with different international magazines and between 2019 and 2023 he published four graphic novels in the catalog of Coconino Press. His work was exhibited at the Galérie Glénat in Paris, in 2020.

Bompiani, Laterza, Sellerio, Gribaudo, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori, Alegre, Emons, Il Saggiatore, Fandango Coconino Press, la Repubblica, La Stampa, Interni, L’Espresso, Jacobin Italia, Internazionale, Book Pride, Job Film Days (ITA), The Parisianer, Le Trabendo, Bastille magazine, Glénat, America (FR), The New Yorker (USA).