Francesca Protopapa / il Pistrice, is an Italian artist who has been based in Paris since 2004. Trained in fine arts and graphic design, she works across media and publishing sectors. Her works display a fresh and modern graphic style, and she paints in bright colors with Posca markers and digital brushwork. Her works, which are frequently focused on the universe of women, are sought out by publishers, magazines, and festivals.

Bollati Boringhieri, Edizioni Piemme, Salani, SEM, Sinnos, Mondadori, DeAgostini, Jacobin Italia, Elle, Mi-Ami Festival, Filorga Italia, Ingenere (ITA), Les Echos, Madame Figaro, Le Nouveau Magazine Littéraire, Le Particulier, Avantages, Gala, Muze, Ed. Calmann-Lévy, Univers Poche, Soho Press, Massot,  Roland Garros, The Psychologist, Médecins Sans Frontières, UNICEF, Fondation L’Oréal, Posca, La Thé Box, Française des Jeux, Tupperware, Heineken (FR), MNAC (SP).