Andrea Serio is an Italian illustrator and cartoonist. With his colored pencils he can create the coldest landscape or the warmest atmosphere. He works for children’s books, graphic novels, posters, book covers, editorial illustrations. His illustrations have been exposed in Italy and abroad; since 2012 he is a teacher at Scuola Internazionale di Comics in Turin and Florence.
Google, Einaudi, Feltrinelli, Laterza, Mondadori, De Agostini, Edizioni Piemme, Zanichelli, Emons Audiolibri, Lo Scarabeo, La Stampa, Linus, Internazionale, La Revue Dessinée Italia, (IT) Le Nouvel Obs, La Revue Dessinée, Bayard, Seuil Jeunesse, Magnard (FR), Lawrence King Publishing, Harper&Collins.