Andrea Antinori
PICTURE BOOK / 48 pages / 16,5 x 22 cm / 1+
Published in: French (hélium éditions, 2021), Italian (Corraini Edizioni, 2021).
Translation rights: for World English ask hélium éditions, for all the other languages ask Corraini Edizioni.

A finely drawn and perfectly coloured picture book with a minimal layout.

Its protagonist, an orange tree, is depicted from its beginnings as a slender but viable young tree through all its phases of growth. Green leaves soon guard its delicious fruit, when suddenly one day all sorts of hectic activity break out. Greedy birds alight on its branches, a caterpillar devours its leaves, and a farmer appears with an enormous pair of shears that bode no good.
And last but not least, a dog pees on its trunk. This is all too much for the orange tree that wants nothing more than to grow in peace and enjoy the passing of time. To realise this wish, it embarks on a daring escape that takes it aboard various forms of transport to reach a distant island.

Andrea Antinori is the author and illustrator of a number of Italian children’s books. Noticed early in his career for his extraordinary talent, he has received top awards for his work. He lives in Bologna, Italy.