PICTURE BOOK / 84 pages / 3+
Translation rights represented: WORLD RIGHTS
Published in: Italian (Sigaretten, 2022).
The cat-cactus, the cactus-cat – Gactus, in short!
One ordinary morning, Gactus streched his arms and placed them down to sit. He left the desert and arrived at the gate of a city: a hostile place where humans rejected him. Gactus hears the call of something he does not know yet, but why his appearance causes such a strong reaction in people around him? He is not aware of what he is doing and he ignores the reasons why he messes everything up.
Upset and exhausted, he stops on a lawn at the edge of the city and rests. But when he wakes up something unexpected happens: a boy strokes him despite his thorns. The best surprise is yet to come!
Emiliano Gori has a natural talent for drawing and storytelling.
He has always created stories for himself, his friends and his two kids. He lives in Florence and this is his first surprising picture book.