Alice Milani
GRAPHIC NOVEL / 160 pages
Translation rights represented: WORLD RIGHTS
Published in: Italian (Feltrinelli Comics, 2019).

University and sheep – Life of Don Lorenzo Milani (Feltrinelli Comics, 2019) is the story of an extraordinary man who struggled against his society to state that only education can free from social classes. Don Lorenzo Milani, born in 1923, was an unconventional priest with a social justice-oriented pedagogy. He wanted the children of workers and peasants to have a good level of education and the same opportunities as the wealthy people. He could not stand any injustice, not those of the Catholics nor those of the communists. 

For the Church he was too extreme, so he was sent in a tiny community where he was expected to become harmless. On the contrary, his determination was strengthened and he built an inclusive and successful education project: the school of Barbiana, which became internationally renowned. His work Lettera a una professoressa was translated in many languages and his message is still contemporary and universal.

Alice Milani highlighted the strength and integrity of this passionate man by a great rhythm and stunning drawings. With a touch of humor, the portrait she made is absolutely fascinating and inspiring

Alice Milani is an Italian cartoonist and illustrator. She is among the founders of La Trama, self publishing group based in Bologna. Her graphic novels, Wisława Szymborska (BeccoGiallo, 2015), Tumulto (Eris Edizioni, 2016, with Silvia Rocchi) and Marie Curie (BeccoGiallo, 2017), were translated in several languages.